Programmers, Saints of the PC Upheaval

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Title: Programmers, Saints of the PC Upheaval

Creator: Stephen Require

Posting Date: April 11, 2013 [EBook #729] Discharge Date: November, 1996 First Posted: December 5, 1996

Dialect: English

*** Beginning OF THIS Undertaking GUTENBERG Digital book Programmers, Saints OF PC REV. ***

Programmers, Legends of the PC Unrest, by Steven Collect

(C)1984 by Steven Demand

Parts 1 and 2 of Programmers, Saints of the PC Upheaval by Steven Require
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The Wizards and their Machines

Weave Albrecht Found of Individuals' PC Organization who enjoyed instinctive presenting adolescents to PCs.

Altair 8800

The spearheading microcomputer that electrifies equipment programmers.

Building this pack influenced you to pick up hacking. At that point you attempted to

make sense of what to DO with it.

Macintosh II ][ Steve Wozniak's cordial, flaky, gorgeous PC, uncontrollably fruitful and the start and soul of a flourishing industry.

Atari 800 This home PC gave incredible illustrations to diversion programmers like John Harris, however the organization that made it was unwilling to disclose to you how it functioned.

Bounce and Carolyn Box World-record-holding gold miners turned programming stars, working for Sierra On-Line.

Doug Carlston Corporate legal counselor who hurled everything to shape the Broderbund programming organization.

Sway Davis

Left occupation in alcohol store to wind up top of the line creator

of Sierra On-Line PC amusement "Ulysses and the Brilliant Downy."

Achievement was his ruin.

Subside Deutsch Awful in sports, splendid at math, Diminish was still in short jeans when he stubled on the TX-0 at MIT—and hacked it alongside the bosses.

Steve Dompier Homebrew part who initially influenced the Altair to sing, and later composed the "Targe" amusement on the Sol which hypnotized Tom Snyder.

John Draper

The infamous "Skipper Crunch" who bravely investigated

the telephone frameworks, got imprisoned, hacked chip.

Cigarettes made his fierce.

Check Duchaineau The youthful Dungeonmaster who duplicate ensured On-Lines plates at his impulse.

Chris Esponosa Fourteen-year-old supporter of Steve Wozniak and early Macintosh worker.

Lee Felsenstein Previous "military proofreader" of Berkeley Point, and legend of a fanciful sci-fi novel, he outlined PCs with "junkyard" approach and was focal figure in Cove Zone equipment hacking in the seventies.

Ed Fredkin Delicate organizer of Data Worldwide, thought himself world's greates software engineer until the point that he met Stew Nelson. Father figure to programmers.

Gordon French Silver-haired equipment programmer whose carport held not autos but rather his homebrewed Chicken Peddle comptuer, at that point held the main Homebrew PC Club meeting.

Richard Garriott Space traveler's child who, as Ruler English, made Ultima world on PC circles.

Bill Entryways Presumptuous wizard, Harvard dropout who composed Altair Fundamental, and grumbled when programmers duplicated it.

Bill Gosper

Horwitz of PC consoles, ace math and LIFE programmer

at MIT AI lab, master of the Programmer Ethic and understudy of

Chinese eatery menus.

Richard Greenblatt Resolute, unkempt, productive, and authoritative MIT programmer who went into night stage so regularly that he zorched his scholastic profession. The's programmer.

John Harris The youthful Atari 800 diversion programmer who moved toward becoming Sierra On-Line's star developer, yet longed for female brotherhood.

IBM-PC IBM's entrance into the PC showcase which incredibly incorporated a touch of the Programmer Ethic, and assumed control. [H.E. as open architecture.]

IBM 704

IBM was The Foe, and this was its machine,

the Cumbersome Goliath PC in MIT's Building 26.

Later changed into the IBM 709, at that point the IBM 7090.

Clump prepared and grievous.

Jerry Jewell

Vietnam vet turned developer who established Sirius Programming.

Steven Occupations

Visionary, beaded, non-hacking adolescent who took

Wozniak's Apple II ][, made a great deal of arrangements,

furthermore, framed an organization that would make a billion dollars.
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Tom Knight

At sixteen, a MIT programmer who might name the

Inconsistent Time-sharing Framework. Later a

Greenblatt enemy over the Stutter machine split.

Alan Kotok The tubby MIT understudy from Jersey who worked under the rail format at TMRC, took in the telephone framework at Western Electric, and turned into an unbelievable TX-0 and PDP-1 programmer.

Effrem Lipkin Programmer lobbyist from New York who cherished machines yet detested their employments. Helped to establish Group Memory; companion of Felsenstein.

Stutter Machine a definitive programmer PC, concocted mosly by Greenblatt and subject of an unpleasant debate at MIT.

"Uncle" John McCarthy Preoccupied however splendid MIT [later Stanford] educator who helped pioneer PC chess, counterfeit consciousness, Drawl.

Weave Bog Berkeley-ite and Homebrewer who imparted carport to Felsenstein and established Processor Innovation, which made the Sol PC.

Roger Melen Homebrewer who helped to establish Cromemco organization to make circuit sheets for Altair. His "Dazzler" played LIFE programs on his kitchen table.

Louis Merton Nom de plume the AI chess programmer whose inclination to go mental united the programmer group.

Jude Milhon

Met Lee Felsenstein through a grouped advertisement in the

Berkeley Spike, and turned out to be in excess of a companion—

an individual from the Group Memory aggregate.

Marvin Minsky Fun loving and splendid MIT prof who headed the AI lave and enabled the programmers to run free.

Fred Moore Drifter radical who despised cash, adored innovation, and helped to establish Homebrew Club.

Stewart Nelson

Buck-toothed, little, however blazing AI lab programmer

who associated the PDP-1 comptuer to hack the telephone framework.

Later helped to establish the Frameworks Ideas organization.

Ted Nelson Self-portrayed "trailblazer" and noted curmudgeon who independently published the powerful PC Lib book.

Russel Noftsker Harried director of MIT AI lab in the late sixties; later leader of Symbolics organization.

Adam Osborne

Bangkok-conceived distributer turned-PC producer

who viewed himself as a philsopher. Established Osborne

PC Organization to make "sufficient" machines.

PDP-1 Advanced Hardware's first minicomputer, and in 1961 an intelligent boon to the MIT programmers and a slap in the face to IBM despotism.

PDP-6 Planned to a limited extent by Kotok, this centralized computer PC was foundation of AI lab, with its gorgeious guideline set and sixteen attractive registers.

Tom Pittman The religious Homebrew programmer who lost his significant other yet kept the confidence with his Little Essential.

Ed Roberts Mysterious organizer of MITS organization who shook the world with his Altair PC. He needed to enable individuals to fabricate mental pyramids.

Steve [Slug] Russell McCarthy's "coolie," who hacked the Spacewar program, first videogame, on the PDP-1. Never made a dime from it.

Dwindle Samson

MIT programmer, one of the primary, who cherished frameworks, trains,

TX-0, music, parliamentary system, tricks, and hacking.

Weave Saunders Buoyant, going bald TMRC programmer who wedded early, hacked till late around evening time eating "lemon gunkies," and aced the "CBS Methodology on Spacewar.

Warren Schwader Huge fair programmer from provincial Wisconsin who went from the mechanical production system to programming fame however couldn't accommodate the move with his dedication to Jehovah's Witnesses.

David Silver Left school at fourteen to be mascot of AI lab; creator of unlawful keys and developer of a modest robot that did the unthinkable.

Dan Sokol Since quite a while ago haired prankster who delighted in uncovering innovative insider facts at Homebrew Club. Freed Alair Fundamental on paper tape.

Les Solomon Editorial manager of Mainstream Electroics, the puller of strings who set the PC unrest into movement.

Marty Spergel The Garbage Man, the Homebrew part who provided circuits and links and could make you an arrangement for anything.

Richard Stallman

The Remainder of the Programmers, who promised to safeguard

the standards of Hackerism at any cost.

Stayed at MIT until there was nobody to eat

Chinese sustenance with.

Jeff Stephenson Thirty-year-old combative techniques veteran and programmer who was shocked that joining Sierra On-Line implied selecting in Summer Camp.

Jay Sullivan MAddeningly shellfish wizard-level software engineer at Informatics who awed Ken Williams by knowing the significance of "any."

Dick Sunderland Chalk-complexioned MBA who trusted that firm administrative organization was a value objective, yet as leader of Sierra On-Line found that programmers didn't believe that way.

Gerry Sussman Youthful MIT programmer marked "failure" since he smoked a pipe and "munged" his projects; later moved toward becoming "champ" by algorithmic enchantment.

Margot Tommervik With her significant other Al, since a long time ago haired Margot parlayed her diversion indicate rewards into a magazine that idolized the Macintosh PC.

Tom Quick Terminal Lee Felsenstein's unbelievable, never-to-be-constructed work station which would give the client extreme leave to get his hands on the world.


Filled a little room, yet in the late fifties this $3 million machine

was the world's first PC—for the group of

MIT programmers that conformed to it.

Jim Warren Corpulent purveyor of "techno-talk" at Homebrew, he was first proofreader of nonconformist styled Dr. Dobbs Diary, later began the lucrative PC Faire.

Randy Wigginton

Fifteen-year-old individual from Steve Wozniak's kiddie corps,

he enable Woz to trundle the Apple II to Homebrew.

Still in secondary school when he turned into Apple's first programming worker.

Ken Williams Haughty and splendid youthful developer who saw the written work on the CRT and began Sierra On-Line to rake in huge profits and enhance society by offering diversions for the Macintosh PC.

Roberta Williams Ken Williams' tentative spouse who rediscovered her o

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